Thank you for your continual support of VaCAP. We are not successful with you!
Change is happening. Yes, you have heard that before, but to be honest, it is true. For the first time ever, VaCAP is offering continued education in conjunction with our conference. This was a long time coming and was done in direct response to what our members requested in a survey we put out over a year ago. George Dell’s Stats, Graphs and Data Science class has an excellent reputation by other appraisers and is about making each and everyone of us a better appraiser. When we are better appraisers, more business, more money and better reputations follow. Check out the testimonials by other appraisers that have taken Stats Graphs and Data Science.
Hopefully you are already aware the conference is February 7 & 8th in Springfield, VA. The location and days of the week are another change as a result of our survey. We have heard from some that the cost and distance is high. We get it. That is why VaCAP negotiated a special rate with breakfast at the Hilton Hotel. If you attend the Stats, Graphs and Data Science Class, George Dell is providing lunch on the first day of the class. The dinner meeting is provided by VaCAP at no additional cost. This is true for VaCAP members and guests. If you are a paid member of VaCAP and wish to attend our dinner meeting only, there is no cost to you.
Prior to the conference we need your help….
VaCAP Officers need to be elected. Per our by-laws, the election must take place prior to the conference to allow those not attending to cast their vote. The results are to be announced at the conference. Prior to a ballot going out, we need candidates! There are no filled positions and every member is eligible to serve. These are the official offices of VaCAP: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We also have 3 Board of Director positions.
If you wish to run for an office or position, we need to know. If you wish to nominate someone for an office or position, we also need to know. Send us an email letting us know your interest and your nominations.
We ask that all candidacy and nominations being sent to us by Tuesday January 8th. This allows us ample time to put the election together.
Thank you for being part of VaCAP!