Waiting Will Be Too Late

By | September 22, 2019

VaCAP has come a very long way over the past few years and we are now viewed as a nationally recognized leader of our profession. Our leaders have had phone conversations with international investors who have read our articles warning of now defunct Clarocity Corporations’ financial problems. It is truly mind blowing that VaCAP has that much of an impact. 

Many of our sister coalitions distribute our communication to their own members and we have representatives from the GSE’s, FHFA, DPOR, TAF, AI, ASA, AGA and several attorneys on our distribution list. E&O companies as well as investment rating companies follow us. Our leaders have met with many government agencies and legislators concerning our profession. Our communications are reposted on Appraisersblogs as well as shared on Facebook, Linked In and Twitter. The point is VaCAP is well known because of our communication. 

Over the past few months appraisers have been busy with assignments and our focus has not been on what is happening on a higher level. VaCAP leaders work hard to keep you informed, however, like everyone else, we can only do but so much individually.

VaCAP is a volunteer organization. When our leaders send out communication, attend meetings, meet with legislators, it is on their time away from their appraisal business. Time they are not earning money to support their families; time not spending with their families.  Whether you hold an official role or are a paid member, each of you are leaders of VaCAP. Why did you join? We hope it is because you believe in the organization and what we stand for; what we accomplish.

There is no doubt the profession has changed and will continue to change. Who is going to be there for you, the boots on the ground appraiser?  Who will be at the State Board Meetings? Who will be meeting with State and Federal Legislators discussing our concerns? Who is going to keep you informed?

The only way VaCAP can continue is if everyone does their share. It is the only way. There will come a time when those who hold and have continually held leadership roles will say no more. Now is the time for each and everyone of you to do your share. Pay your membership dues and get involved…… waiting will be too late.

To join or renew your VaCAP membership, visit our website. 


Thank You for Being Part of VaCAP!