The local television station WWBT, NBC 12 in the Richmond market is airing a story on Thursday February 22 during the 6:00 News Broadcast about racial bias in real estate appraisals. We know this is not a new topic and previous stories that have aired have been extremely one sided and not from the appraiser’s perspective.
VaCAP was not contacted for information, nor were any appraisers that we know. We have seen the negative impact this type of story has on our profession and we need your help in being proactive with this story. We ask you make a phone call or email to NBC 12 requesting the story not be aired unless both the homeowner and appraiser side is told. This is nothing more the responsible journalism.
Here are some talking points to discuss:
What research was done on the appraisal process that will air with the story?
Was any appraiser, Appraisal Professional Organizations, or the Virginia Real Estate Appraisal Board contacted for information?
Will the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice be discussed in the report?
Are you aware of how many racial bias claims against an appraiser have been filed with the Department of Professional Occupation Regulation, Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board? (The answer is 0)
How many racial bias claims have been filed with the Federal Agencies? How many have been proven to be false claims?
Are you aware an appraiser has filed legal action against a homeowner in Maryland for defamation after a homeowner filed a claim racial discrimination? See more about the case here.
Not reporting complete and accurate information is nothing more than irresponsible journalism?
Appraisersblogs has many stories about appraisal bias with good points as well.
We ask that you contact WWBT, NBC 12 concerning this story. Let’s make sure appraisers are presented accurately and fairly.
The story is scheduled to air Thursday February 22 @6:00, so please do contact them soon.
Station Manager, Kym Grinnage
Email –
Thank you for Being Part of VaCAP!
Please cite the names of appraisers that were convicted of being racist while doing appraisals and their court cases.
Were they white appraisers that were biased against Asians? Were they black appraisers that were biased against white people? Were they Asian appraisers that were biased against Black people? You’re leaving your network open to a class action lawsuit as you throw a diverse group professionals that is governed by ethics rules under USPAP.
If a homeowner of any race does not like the result of the valuation of their home, it does not mean the appraiser is racist. No appraiser would jeopardize their license and ability to earn a living to cause harm to anybody in anyway. it is an appraisers ethical duty to provide accurate market values to serve the public trust. I identify as a non-white appraiser and this story is designed to be divisive and keep the public at odd with each other. Go to church!
Let it go. The sooner appraisers stop responding, the quicker it will go away. The more attention and defensiveness you engage in only serves to escalate the frenzied masses. These cases are in the extreme minority. Stop fighting these appraisal battles the same way. All the appraiser emporers need to put on their clothes and stop fighting windmills. Put some strong leadership together, inclusive of legal counsel and fight the big picture and stop letting these individual cases leave you chasing your tails.