Category Archives: Member News

Hybrids and the State Appraisal Board

Some are for and some are opposed. It is a business decision on which types of assignments you choose to accept.  If you choose to complete a hybrid or bifurcated appraisal, you need to pay attention and ask yourself a few questions.  Is the fee I am receiving for completing this assignment reasonable for the … Read More »

Hybrid Appraisal = $2,500 Fine to Appraiser

If you still believe a hybrid or bifurcated appraisal is USAP compliant, you may want to take a look at the article and disciplinary action posted on AppriasersBlogs today.  An appraiser who completed a hybrid appraisal was fined $2,500 by the Georgia Real Estate Appraisal Board for 23 violations. Yes you read that correctly, 23… Read More »

Waiting Will Be Too Late

VaCAP has come a very long way over the past few years and we are now viewed as a nationally recognized leader of our profession. Our leaders have had phone conversations with international investors who have read our articles warning of now defunct Clarocity Corporations’ financial problems. It is truly mind blowing that VaCAP has… Read More »

The Raging Fire is Out of Control!

Are the profits being reported by Fannie and Freddie being skewed because of price fixing?  In an article released on CNBC by Reuters, US District Judge Jed Rakoff ruled investors can pursue antitrust claims against banks for conspiring to fix prices of bonds from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  According to the article, there are… Read More »

Another AMC Shuts Down

Rob Chrisman Reports Appraiser Connections Closes it Doors. “It is with great sadness that I must inform everyone that effective immediately Appraiser Connections is shutting down. All orders in the system will be complete, just no new orders. Retail loan officers will be given new user IDs for the new AMC that will be taking over and… Read More »

CoreLogic Chief Legal Council Resigns

Last week  VaCAP shared the  DOJ was investigating CoreLogic. Today we learned the Chief Legal Officer for CoreLogic, Arnold Pinkston has resigned. Coincidence or getting out ahead of what is coming?  Time will tell.  Mr. Pinkston has been  Chief Legal Officer since  January 2018.  See the story here.  

Fannie and Freddie are Smug Bugs in a Rug….

“All because inwardly focused and entitled Fan and Fred are smug bugs in a rug.” That is a quote from the article by Jeff Lazerson in The Orange County Register on May 23, 2019.  The article is about Fannie and Freddie maintaining property valuation data and how it is harming consumers. The article touches on… Read More »