Within the past 48 hours, the appraisal community has been hit with so much information, we wanted to make sure each of you are aware of what is going on so.
The Other Side of Racism
Appraisers Blogs published an article yesterday that every appraiser needs to read, share and distribute on all social media sites,your data base of professional contacts and your legislators. As you may recall there has been a story floating around about racism in the appraisal profession. It revolves around an interracial couple in Florida that had two appraisals completed with a significant value opinion difference. FaceBook, the New York Times and Good Morning America have all shared this couples story. Not one journalism / media outlet has told an appraisers side of the story. No facts have been presented, merely the opinion of the accuser; an attorney, who works for Black Knight. See the article on Appraisers Blogs here.
Mortgage Delinquencies Rise to 17% Nationwide!
Early this morning, Phil Crawford released a new show. This show is an interview with Danielle DiMartino Booth about appraisal waivers and their presence in today’s market. More so about the ramifications of them and the harm to the consumer. One alarming fact revealed during the interview… Mortgage Delinquencies throughout the country are 17%, 3 percent higher than 2010! Listen to Phil and Danielle here.
Third Exposure Draft for 2022-2023 USPAP
The Appraisal Foundation is conducting a webinar on the third Exposure Draft for the 2022-2023 USPAP. The webinar is tomorrow, October 22 @ 1:00 PM Eastern. You must register to attend.
They Maybe Useless in Protecting You From Liability…..
Ryan Endsley and Charles R. Franklin with the Franklin Law Group have published an article concerning a recent court case in Illinois and is warning appraisers of the ramifications. It has to do with all those disclosures and disclaimers we all place in our reports. They may be useless in protecting you from liability of your opinion. The precedence has been set, so every appraiser needs to be aware. Read the article here.
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