Tag Archives: Government Officials

Have a Seat Please

              “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are on the menu.”     Would it be misleading to disclose you performed a personal inspection of a property done with significant appraisal assistance in which you relied on supported demographics? Well maybe… The Appraisal Foundation has… Read More »

Appraisal Fees Back in the Spot Light

FTC vs LREAB Update The Supreme Court has denied the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisal Board’s petition to intervene in the administrative case for price fixing by the FTC. The FTC  trial is scheduled to proceed on April 20, 2021. VaCAP is closely following this case and will update you as it proceeds.  To view all… Read More »

The Appraiser’s Conundrum

The Appraisal Foundation has issued an exposure draft for Advisory Opinion 16. Advisory Opinion 16 is Fair Housing Laws: Avoiding Bias in Real Property Appraisal and Appraisal Review Development and Reporting. Unlike other exposure drafts, the text of the advisory opinion has been rewritten. The traditional strike through of word or phrase changes is nonexistent.… Read More »

FHFA Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2021-2024

“The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today released the FHFA Strategic Plan:  Fiscal Years 2021-2024, which reflects the Agency’s priorities as regulator of the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) and as regulator and conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). FHFA requested input on the draft Agency strategic plan from Members of Congress, the… Read More »

Is Your Head Spinning?

Within the past 48 hours, the appraisal community has been hit with so much information, we wanted to make sure each of you are aware of what is going on so.  The Other Side of Racism Appraisers Blogs published an article yesterday  that every appraiser needs to read, share and distribute on all social media… Read More »

Not With My Money

Appraisers have some very strong opinions on computer driven appraisals. Others are noticing the dangers as well.  It is more than just automated valuation models though.  In an article written by Danielle DiMartino Booth, for  Bloomberg , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are specifically called out on their appraisal waivers. The author compares the dangers… Read More »

Could the CFPB Eliminate AMCs?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking public comments on the proposed rules for a Qualified Mortgage. The proposed rules require the lender to season the mortgage for 36 months before they can sell it to Fannie or Freddie. What that means is the lender will own that loan for 3 years.  Fast forward if… Read More »